Bayes Factors for Mixed Models: a Discussion
- Creator: van Doorn, Johnny , Haaf, Julia M. , Matzke, Dora , Morey, Richard D. , Nicenboim, Bruno , van Ravenzwaaij, Don , Rouder, Jeffrey N. , Schad, Daniel J. , Shiffrin, Richard M. , Singmann, Henrik , Vasishth, Shravan , Veríssimo, João , Stefan, Angelika M. , Bockting, Florence , Chandramouli, S , Dunn, JC , Gronau, Quentin F. , Linde, M , McMullin, SD , Navarro, D , Schnuerch, M , Yadav, H , Aust, F , Wagenmakers, Eric-Jan , Cox, Gregory Edward , Davis-Stober, Clintin P. , Heathcote, Andrew , Heck, Daniel W. , Kalish, Michael , Kellen, David
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
The Limits of Marginality
- Creator: Heathcote, Andrew , Matzke, Dora
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
Wheel of Fortune: a Cross-cultural Examination of How Expertise Shapes the Mental Representations of Familiar and Unfamiliar Numerals
- Creator: Garrett, Paul M. , Bennett, Murray , Hsieh, Yu-Tzu , Howard, Zachary L. , Yang, Cheng-Ta , Little, Daniel R. , Eidels, Ami
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
How do information processing systems deal with conflicting information? Differential predictions for serial, parallel and coactive processing models
- Creator: Little, Daniel R. , Eidels, Ami , Fifić, Mario , Wang, Tony S. L.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018